Completing a project for family farmers that others couldn’t.

In northeastern Wisconsin, Shiloh Dairy was left with a stalled RNG project after a different developer failed to receive funding. LF Bioenergy understands dairy farmers and knew how to work with Shiloh Dairy to understand the family’s management and growth plans.

The RNG facility now operating at Shiloh Dairy features a biogas plant consisting of two identical anaerobic digesters and a biogas upgrader.

This system produces enough energy to power 1,000 homes every year.

“These anaerobic digesters reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce nutrient-rich fertilizer,” explained Julie Veldhuis, Director of Business Development at LF Bioenergy. “The solution helps Shiloh Dairy achieve the farm’s environmental goals and provides a source of renewable energy.”

Project highlights

  • The RNG facility represents the latest in Shiloh Dairy’s commitment to sustainability — it has previously received the Wisconsin Family Business Award.
  • Shiloh Dairy is known for its livestock water recycling system and support of the community.
  • Shiloh Dairy’s RNG facility contributes to further decrease waste and clean the water stream, in addition to creating green energy.