Generating a new era of revenue for family farms.

Mapleview Dairy and River Breeze Farm manage herds in upstate New York. Their close-knit relationship across five generations offered a strong collaborative relationship for LF Bioenergy to plan around as the two dairies pursued their own shared RNG facility.

Scheduled to begin operation in January 2025, the project LF Bioenergy designed and built for Mapleview Dairy and River Breeze Farm involves bringing trucked manure to the facility so that the operation reaches economic scale. The deep-rooted partnership between the farms enabled LF Bioenergy to work with them on a mutually beneficial long-term commitment for every stakeholder.

“This project showcases LF’s ability to design a facility that is completely customized to Mapleview’s unique layout and farm renovation plans,” said Chief Operating Officer Lee Laviolette. “We are seamlessly integrating multiple technologies – mechanical, electrical and controls – to optimize safety, performance and farmer revenue over the decades-long life of this project.”

Project highlights

  • The joint facility will produce about 127,000 MMBtu of RNG annually.
  • RNG production here is equivalent to eliminating nearly 18 million miles of emissions from a typical gasoline vehicle.
  • The partnership with the dairies aligns with long-term objectives for both farms and demonstrates LF Bioenergy’s commitment to Farmers First.